Q: What is E-Waste?
A: E-Waste stands for electronic waste. E-Waste can be items such as LCD monitors, computers, VCRs, DVD players, laptops, radios, fax machines, printers, cell phones, wire, toner cartridges, computer components and much more.
Q: How much does it cost to drop off E-Waste?
A: Televisions can be dropped off starting at $20, printers and copiers do have associated fees which will vary depending on size and quantity and all other e-waste is free to drop off.
Q: Are pickups available?
A: Yes, pickups are available. Pickups are available starting at $40. Fees range depending on distance and quantity. (Nevada)
Q: Do you pay for E-Waste?
A: We do not pay for E-Waste.
Q: Do you accept beverage containers?
A: We do not accept any beverage containers (i.e. soda cans, water bottles, etc.)
Q: How do I know if my information will remain safe?
A: We will provide you with a Certificate of Destruction after all of your items are received.
Q: Are you licensed to be an e-waste collector?
A: Dunn & Son is an approved collector through the State of Nevada.